Call of Papers Authors are invited to send abstracts (one page) along with the registration form to the convener before 15th August 2023. The abstract will be peer reviewed and authors will be informed of the acceptance of the paper. We strongly encourage submission of abstract by e-mail (psychology@macromol.in).
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be in camera-ready form and should not exceed four typed pages. Manuscripts should contain a short running title with name of authors and their affiliations, brief introduction, experimental, results and discussions, conclusions and references. Figures and tables are to be interposed in the text with captions. Authors are requested to prepare the manuscript in MS WORD using Arial font (12 size) and 1.5 lines spacing in the main text. .
Poster Dimension
The dimension of the poster is vertical ( height ) 120 cm and horizontal (width ) 80 cm. The poster will be placed vertically
Facilities for overhead projection and power point presentation will be made available.
Online Exhibition
There will be major exhibition by different companies in the field of the subject. We will also invite ancillary units by online and companies supplying major characterization instruments.